For Mains Power Distribution Units.
One4power MDU's (PDU's) are highly compact devices for mains power distribution, overload protection and fuse fail monitoring.
Easily accessible power switch allows instant power isolation/connection to multiple pieces of equipment negating the need to operate lots of power switches.
Front panel ID pads and numbers allow immediate identification of failed fuse and equipment.
One4Power Horizontal MDU's offer the highest density of outlets (14) per
1U of rack space than any other type of MDU whilst still retaining tie bar & inlet connectors!
This frees up valuable rack space and maintains the use of full rack depth along all of the height of the rack.
One4Power Vertical MDU's (V-Strip range) offer 40 IEC outlets spaced at 40mm intervals. All outlets have individual fuse protection, spare fuse location & LED fuse indicators.
These units drastically reduce time to connect power within equipment racks. (Shown at IBC 2009)
New to our product range is the addition of Westwick Balanced power & filter systems. Widely acclaimed & installed by some leading Recording studio's & Mastering suites
(check out the client list download). These units provide bi-directional conducted emi filtering & reduced noise floor for Audio/visual & data systems. Contact us to book a demo! (Shown at IBC 2009)
Primarily designed for television broadcast environments, our units are equally suitable for radio broadcast, recording studio, home studio, computer/IT & many other mains
distribution applications. All of our products are designed and manufactured in the U.K.
In essence our MDU's are the definitive solution to mains power distribution!
